Saturday, 23 January 2016

Hi, ladies! I hope your year is off to a good start and you continue to enjoy the peace of Christmas! In preparation for this blog, I'd been considering this title but circumstances on yesterday pushed the subject matter to another level.

I was on call on Thursday night and the weather forecasters predicted that a snow storm would arrive late morning to midday on Friday. My concern was whether I would be able to get home from the hospital in order to feed my dog child, Max, and give him his insulin. As I prepared to leave on Thursday evening, I recalled that the Lord already knew the needs of every one of His children. Well, the storm began at 6 am and was heavier than anticipated. Needless to say, I couldn't leave on time and I began to worry about Max assuming I wouldn't get home until the next day. As my concern grew, I kept hearing "you've got to trust Him". I then began to think about how God had taken care of us over the years and believed that whatever the circumstance, He had it in hand. About one and a half hours after my shift ended, I was notified that my relief had arrived. Upon speaking with him, I learned he had been there for about an hour. Though I initially felt my chances would have been better to get home if I had left earlier, I soon recognized my ability to depart later was somehow necessary. After receiving advice on the route to take, I set out in snow that was already up to my lower calf. My rear wheel drive vehicle quickly proved to be no match for the icy, hilly terrain that lay before me. I got stuck on ice twice within the first mile and a half and on both occasions men got out of their cars and pushed me on my way. Undeterred, I quickly learned to steer and remain calm while my car fishtailed again and again, the rate of speed that was safe on hills and to avoid stopping when there was no traffic at intersections. One of the greatest obstacles ahead of me, was getting over an incline to cross railroad tracks. By His grace, I went over it like I was on dry land. I instantly began to cry out, "Jesus" and covered my mouth in amazement. The road was covered with fresh powder for the next two miles home and I had no difficulty making it to my driveway. The power wasn't on when I got there, but I was home. Once he was out, Max wanted nothing but to play in the snow and for once didn't run back in the house for food. I dropped to my knees and thanked the Lord for His mercy. Thankfully, I have a gas fireplace and used matches to light the stove for breakfast. As the day went on and the house grew colder, I prayed that the power would be restored before dark. At 4:58 PM, it was. I recognize that my story is mild compared to the hardship that many others are enduring this winter, but I offer it as a reminder to keep the faith. We must trust Him. He is in every detail. To God be the glory forever!!

Posted on 01/23/2016 11:48 PM by Stephanie Sweet
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